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We are looking to make rowing more accessible to the community

For the club to continue to develop and thrive, we are building a new modern boathouse. The pictures to the right show the significant progress that has been made on the new building.


Our current facilities do not provide enough storage for our equipment, space for club-wide events or appropriate facilities for disabled and mobility-impaired people. Rowing requires land-based training year round and we don’t have space to offer these sessions in a safe and inviting way. We are keen to offer use of our boathouse to local community groups, some of which have been identified in our Community Engagement Plan, however this is not currently possible due to the inadequate facilities. The project will provide fit-for-purpose dedicated facilities, meeting demand, significantly increasing participation in the sport, inspiring those who row, opening up the club to new users and providing space for social and community activities. All this will be housed within an iconic new-build clubhouse, prominently located on the banks of the Thames.


Crucially, the new boathouse is designed to be ‘flood-resilient’, ensuring minimum disruption should the river overflow.


The existing clubhouse will be demolished and in its place an exciting new clubhouse is under construction. The new facilities will include:


  • Large boat storage area on the ground floor

  • Specific area for storage of launch boats and workshop area

  • Male and female changing room and toilet facilities (including disabled facilities)

  • Weights and training area

  • First-floor club area

  • Mezzanine floor for storage and rowing machines

  • Bar area and kitchen


Fundraising Success


Since starting this project we have raised approximately £1.2 million through a variety of generous sources.


We are short of about £100,000 to completely finish the project but the structure of the building is complete and is already being used for boat storage and there is a working disabled shower and toilet facility.


Work on the upstairs floor and walls will begin shortly.



Help us raise the last £100,000


The work that we are currently unable to complete is the upstairs balcony, a finished car park, a renewed landing stage and landscaping. Everything else has been funded.


We are looking for sponsors and supporters to enable our vision to become a reality.


If you like to give a donation follow the link to our JustGiving site below. Or email Thanks!


200 Club


The 200 club is a way for the club to raise money and also for the participants to win a prize. Each month a number is drawn and the 'owner' of that number recieves a cash prize. There is also a larger annual draw.


It costs £5 per month for a number, of this money raised:

50% goes towards the maintenance of the club and its grounds

33% prize fund for the monthly draw

17% prize fund for the annual draw


If you'd like to join please email


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