As the memory of a rainy 2016 Regatta is allowed to fade, to be replaced by warm sunshine hazy late August sunshine which made the day so special. The girls and boys of the junior squad were ready for this moment and we saw many fine performances on the water with most of our crews qualifying through heats to a final. The Junior Women did particularly well with ALL of the girls qualify into a final in at least one event today..they were lead by our youngest Junior athlete competing this weekend. Polly Waters put in a stunning 'first ever race beating a girl at the least a year older than herself, perhaps more. In her final race she only lost by 2ft at the finish. We wish Polly much luck in future races. Today's winning crews were WJ15 Coxed quad sculls including Lydia Bruce, Maddie Madison Knight, Ellie Burton and Kathryn Gooch and Coxed by Olivia Bennett. And winners in the WJ15 2x double sculls competition Ellie Burton & Kathryn Gooch. Well done to all those who took part!Â