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Row For Life - A Huge Success!

A huge thank you to the 16 rowers, 4 scullers and 1 cox who took part in and helped on the Sponsored Row yesterday. Thanks also to: Elaine for organising; James, Andy, Pete and others for the (very) early morning taxis; The people who came to wave us off from Upper Thames; James, Gareth, Caroline and G for able assistance at the locks, the cheery faces and snacks, especially lunchtime cake; and To everyone who welcomed us back to the Club standing outside on the newly completed (and stunning) balcony - even Jeremy Pollen who scared the living daylights out of me with the welcome home horn when the boat crossed the line.

Elaine is still adding up the sponsorship, but her reckoning yesterday is that it could be around £5,000. A stunning achievement. For anyone who has not yet donated, it’s not too late so please visit the Staines Boat Club Just giving page and help out.

Alan Douglas


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