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Welcome Back to Rowing!!!

After what seems like ages, the Club will be reopening on Monday morning with squad sessions also restarting on Monday. With the clocks going forward this weekend, evening rowing will be possible. In order to manage numbers at the Club, days have been allocated as follows: Juniors: Monday and Wednesday Seniors/ Masters: Tuesday and Thursday The timing of weekend sessions remains the same as before, namely: 07.30 Senior Women 08.00 Masters (Women and Men) 08.30 Juniors Please contact your coaches and squad coordinators for details. As we return to rowing, we need to ensure that everyone remains safe. Just because some members have been vaccinated, does not mean they or anyone else can disregard health and safety requirements. The following rules will need to be observed:

· Maintain 2m social distance while on land wherever possible; · Only one crew/ person in a boat bay at any one time; · All boats and blades and any other equipment to be washed and disinfected after every outing; · All coxes to wear face coverings and glasses/ eye covering; · All Club boats must be booked through for every outing. Please do this at least 24 hours before your outing; · The wearing of face masks around the site remains at the discretion of the individual and is not a requirement; · Toilets will be available in the old Clubhouse but please do not use the showers (unless you have capsized).

For those coming to the Club in a car, I would like to remind you not to park in the bottom part of Riverside Drive or in front of any of the houses on Riverside Drive. Our neighbours have been very patient with us while we have not had parking on-site and I do not want any of us to cause them any inconvenience. I look forward to seeing you all back at the Club next weekend (if not before) Alan Douglas President Staines Boat Club


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